Now you can hear how quickly I speak in real life.
Also good if you wanna hear me maunder about writing, travel writing and being a freelance operative.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Kitty corner, Life in the internet age, Singapore: A Biography, Travel babble, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Once a teacher
There are dreams and there are career plans. They are not the same. Some dreams are compensatory: visions that we retreat to in times of stress, like blankies for infants, things that comfort us and tell us what we need to be told. The dream of being a famous writer can be like that: a dream of infantile power and attention that disguises the more immediate need -- for safety, self-love, serenity, peace in our hearts.(Via alf.)
But the work, that is another thing. The real work is staggering; the real work is work. It is not dream. It is pushing against the wall; it is hearing what we do not want to hear; it is doing the numbers; it is learning the new terms as they come along; it is sitting through evaluations and self-evaluations. It is an eternal object lesson in our powerlessness and our smallness. The real work is grinding and slow.
When I look at all the writers who have won coveted prizes and all the filmmakers and artists who have had success, what I notice is that they are the ones who actually filled out the applications for fellowships and sent their work around for critique and rejection; they are the ones who locked themselves in rooms and worked at it; they are the ones who did what was required; they are the ones who allowed themselves to be beginners and to begin at the beginning and do the next obvious thing.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living, Personal, Pop culture
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living
The rule I have made for myself [because he's on post-operative painkillers] is that I cannot go back and fix, or rearrange, or rewrite what I have done. I realized, on the first day of this experiment, when I absolutely lacked the mental concentration to do that kind of rearranging, that I would have to give it up. Thus I was forced to write this new way.He also says:
[...] This disability is forcing me to simply keep writing and moving forward.
Of course I fear that I will not be brilliant enough. This fear will have to wait. I cannot hide from it.
In the case of writing and rewriting a paragraph 20 times or 50 times, we may fear the plainness and simplicity of what is in our minds; we may fear that unless we unleash a dazzling fusillade of verbal inventiveness, the reader will turn away in boredom and disgust. So we keep tinkering, trying to perfect the bomb.I've often said I'm a highly inefficient writer (in terms of word count per day, which often translates into income per day) because I spend all this time "tinkering, trying to perfect the bomb", as Tennis puts it. The last few weeks, I've been plugging away at the Lonely Planet assignment, trying to write with "colour and flair" while "telling it like it is" (their mantra, don't you know). Which means I get stuck rewriting the same sentence over and over --- don't even get me started on paragraphs --- and the opening words to any new section are the hardest.
The emperors loved it, so the French sacked it. The North Vietnamese coveted it and stole it; the South Vietnamese and Americans wanted (and took) it back. The Communist government didn't really want to have anything to do with it --- but then the tourists started turning up in droves.Copyright ME --- just because I'm not giving these lines to Lonely Planet doesn't mean anyone can steal them.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Books books books, Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living
Wahj: what have you been up to?True dat, but I think after a week of giving in to procrastination, I finally have text on the page that I'm reasonably proud of.
Wahj: besides writing
ME: writing and procrastinating
ME: if i'm not doing one, i'm doing the other
ME: today i cleaned my shower curtain and shower in lieu of writing
ME: (altho i have written quite a bit after that)
Wahj: The power of procrastination is amazing
Wahj: I'm convinced the best way to do something is to have something else to do
Labels: Freelancin' living, Travel babble, Vietnam vignettes
Labels: Food for thought, Freelancin' living, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Travel babble
Labels: Freelancin' living, Kitty corner
Labels: Freelancin' living, Nightlife, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living
Labels: Food for thought, Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Singapore stories
... urban nomadism makes districts, like buildings, multifunctional. Parts of town that were monocultures, [William Mitchell, a professor of architecture and computer science at MIT] says, gradually become “fine-grained mixed-use neighbourhoods” more akin in human terms to pre-industrial villages than to modern suburbs.I count myself lucky to live in a village-like neighbourhood now. The free wifi is dreadfully spotty (why, oh why, can't Wireless@SG get it right?), but all the other elements --- brick-and-mortar stores delivering basic services, a mixture of chain stores and "local" enterprises, low-rise living and neighbourhood folk who kind of recognise each other after a while --- are well in place, and have been for decades.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Singapore stories
Labels: Books books books, Freelancin' living, Once a teacher
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Kitty corner, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age
Labels: Freelancin' living, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living, Kitty corner
Labels: Books books books, Freelancin' living, Words words words
Labels: Domestically challenged, Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Twitteresque
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Nightlife, Singapore stories
Labels: Food for thought, Freelancin' living
Labels: Books books books, Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age
"I am a worm. I can find my way places."For really, sometimes it seems that I am. Give me a map and I'm good to go. The map at the Braddell MRT station got me to block 970 along Toa Payoh North so that I could drop off my laptop for repair, and got me to DSTA Tower B for a client meeting. Later the bus got us to Alexandra Road and by 6 pm we had frosted mugs of Heineken in our hands.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Nightlife
Labels: Freelancin' living, Geek girl
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Food for thought, Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Geek girl, Life in the internet age, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living, Nightlife
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal, Singapore stories
Labels: Freelancin' living
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
... people who turn a laptop, a wireless connection and a cafe into an office and work wherever they happen to be ... distinguishe[d] from traditional freelancers because of their close engagement with technology and use of the latest generation of web-based tools in their working lives.Laptop --- check.
Labels: Freelancin' living, Geek girl, Life in the internet age, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living, Once a teacher, Words words words
Labels: Freelancin' living, Nightlife, Personal
Labels: Freelancin' living, Life in the internet age, Personal, Travel babble